\Traditional interpretation
Arachne was a weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason.
How neuromythography uses
Evolutionary addition in higher primates that directly coordinates fine motor movements by connecting to brainstem directly, including speech and hand/arm movements.
Arachne was a Greek mortal who dared challenge Athena to a weaving contest.
Arachne is a Brain Area
Arachne Archetype represents the Posterior Area 4 [4p].
Evolutionary addition in higher primates that directly coordinates fine motor movements by connecting to brainstem directly, including speech and hand/arm movements.
Arachne was a Greek mortal who dared challenge Athena to a weaving contest.
Arachne was a Greek mortal who dared challenge Athena to a weaving contest.
Member-submitted gallery images (free membership required to submit).