
Our founder Steven Florek is writing a series of books about his most exciting discoveries along the neuromythography journey.

The Evil Ventral Striatum

In the book The Evil Ventral Striatum, Steven Florek takes readers on a daring exploration into the neuroscientific roots of evil. Florek posits a compelling argument that the ventral striatum, a pivotal region nestled within the brain's striatum Inner Child, acts as the epicenter of behaviors historically deemed evil. From psychopathy and jealousy to greed, racial animus, and political extremism, Florek meticulously analyzes an array of studies that trace the dark spectrum of human actions back to this one neural hub. The prescription proposed is not to surgically remove the ventral striatum, for creatures cannot function effectively without it, but to understand how it can be aligned with our higher faculties and qualities, providing a profound neural correlate to the fall and redemption myth ubiquitous across human cultures. This is an essential read for anyone fascinated by the intersections of brain science, ethics, and the profound question of the nature of evil.

The Spirits of Communion and Dominion

In his enlightening new book, The Spirits of Communion and Dominion, Steven Florek explores the profound symmetries and polarities that underpin human existence. By examining the biological roots and psychological manifestations of this duality, that he calls the Spirits of Communion and Dominion, Florek offers a sweeping analysis of how two of the three embryonic germ layers—the endoderm and mesoderm—are at the root of the complex interplays between the right and left sides of the body, the left and right sides of the brain, the evolutionary principles of group selection and self/kin preservation, and even the left and right sides of politics.

Florek's exploration extends into the neurochemical, illustrating how hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin, and their respective receptors OTR, V1a, and V1b, serve as molecular echoes of deeper philosophical and social dualities. He deftly connects these biological underpinnings to the fundamental human concepts of Yin and Yang, Nietzsche’s notions of slave and master moralities, and many other dualistic systems that have attempted to grasp at a hidden biology.

The book also describes how these elements are reflected in gender dynamics—female and male—shedding light on the evolutionary and social scripts that govern our behaviors and societal roles. Florek extends these concepts to political ideologies, revealing an intriguing biological basis for left- and right-wing perspectives that transcend mere cultural constructs, suggesting an innate origin rooted in our most fundamental biological architecture.

The Spirits of Communion and Dominion invites readers from diverse fields—anthropology, psychology, neuroscience, political science, and philosophy—to reconsider the origins of some of our oldest human narratives. It is a vital text for anyone intrigued by the deep-seated structures that shape our views, govern our physiology, and dictate the rhythms of interaction within and between ourselves. This book not only maps the territory where science meets spirit but also offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the dualities that define the human condition.


In this groundbreaking work, Steven Florek transposes the timeless narrative structure of Hesiod's Theogony into the realm of neuromythography with his book Neurogony. This narrative embarks on a journey of creation, tracing the embryonic development from the neural tube to the intricate complexities of the adult brain. Through the lens of neuromythography, Florek reimagines the divine genealogies of ancient myth, portraying each deity as a metaphorical embodiment of neural processes and brain regions. Neurogony presents a synthesis where myth meets neuroscience, guiding the reader through the stages of neural development with the elegance of mythic storytelling. This book invites us into a world where the origins of the gods parallel the genesis of our own cognitive faculties, offering a profound understanding of the brain's architecture as an odyssey of mythical proportions. Ideal for enthusiasts of both mythology and neuroscience, Neurogony is a visionary work that redefines the origin story of how the mind comes to be.

The Neuromythographic Method

Steven Florek's The Neuromythography Method stands as the definitive textbook and manifesto for the emerging field of neuromythography. The method illuminates the intricate behaviors of brain areas, neurotransmitters, and receptors as characters in a grand narrative, offering a rich, storied perspective on their interactions and influences.

Ideal for neuroscientists seeking innovative perspectives, psychologists interested in the narrative underpinnings of behavior, and philosophers drawn to the intersection of science and human mythology, this book promises to transform how we understand the brain and its functions. Educators and students in cognitive science and neurology will find this method a compelling addition to traditional approaches, providing a fresh lens through which to explore the cognitive landscape. The Neuromythography Method is a must-read for anyone ready to transcend conventional paradigms and embrace a narrative-rich exploration of the human mind.

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