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Hecate is an Energy
Hecate's Receivers are Inanna and Cybele
Hecate represents the three estrogens: Hecate the Maiden is estradiol, Hecate the Mother is estriol, and Hecate the Crone is estrone.
Archetype HecateHecate is the Greek Triple Goddess--Maiden, Mother, Crone. In neuromythography, she represents the three estrogens.The Neuromythography InstituteSteven Florek💡Note: we are specifically using Hecate the Maiden to represent estradiol. Estradiol is the estrogen that promotes female maturation, and is reduced at menopause. Receptors ER-AArchetype InannaHecate is the Greek

Archetype HecateHecate is the Greek Triple Goddess--Maiden, Mother, Crone. In neuromythography, she represents the three estrogens.The Neuromythography InstituteSteven Florek💡Note: we are specifically using Hecate the Mother to represent estriol. Estriol is the estrogen that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy, and is responsible for many of the

Archetype HecateHecate is the Greek Triple Goddess--Maiden, Mother, Crone. In neuromythography, she represents the three estrogens.The Neuromythography InstituteSteven Florek💡Note: we are specifically using Hecate the Crone to represent estrone. estrone is the most fundamental estrogen, and its levels rise post-menopause into old age. Receptors ER-AArchetype InannaHecate is the

Hecate is the Greek Triple Goddess--Maiden, Mother, Crone. In neuromythography, she represents the three estrogens.

Hecate is the Greek Triple Goddess--Maiden, Mother, Crone. In neuromythography, she represents the three estrogens.

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